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Read the Latest IMPHORAA Project Newsletter

Tue, 19 September, 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of the latest IMPHORAA Project newsletter. This fourth instalment of the newsletter offers updates and information about the life-changing work being done by the project partners.

See how we are empowering rural communities by providing access to electricity, cooling and water pumping systems that are easy to install and maintain locally.

The newsletter shows how we have revolutionised the lives of the residents of Port Silanguin's coastal villages in The Philippines as well as offering opportunities for entrepreneurialism in off-grid communities.

Alongside testimonies directly from those people who are feeling the benefits of IMPHORAA, the newsletter also offers technical updates related to the new controller unit for nanogrid systems and the successful production of our third-generation water pump controller units.

You can also see information about the positive social impacts of IMPHORAA, from water purification and sanitisation to empowering women in rural, off-grid communities and the wider environmental benefits of the project.

You read the newsletter and subscribe to receive future editions, here.


This project is supported by Innovate UKs Energy Catalyst Programme (funding by the Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office through their Transforming Energy Access Programme) and UK aid and was awarded as a “subsidy” under the UK International Obligations for Subsidy Control and delivered under Grant 90935 from Innovate UK