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Measuring the Quality of Life in Paradise

Fri, 15 September, 2023

In every publicly funded project, the consortium partners are asked to measure the social impact derived from the implementation of the innovative solution in the targeted areas. The IMPHORAA consortium is no exception.

During our last joint meeting, we were asked to create metrics that measure how the quality of life will be improved after our IMPHORAA system is properly installed and used by the rural community of Port Silanguin. We swiftly agreed to do it, as we’d do with any given task that is to be checked off our project management lists. We had the confidence of the people that come bearing gifts to the c.2.7 million households in the Philippines that still remain un-electrified: clean solar energy, fresh water, cooling for preserving fish, and opportunities for training and entrepreneurship.

As our Philippines partners sent us the footage from the site and interviews from the locals, we couldn't help but marvel at the obvious - Port Silanguin is one of those last paradises on Earth. The villagers are carefree people, mostly enjoying a slow way of living that is in sync with the circles of the seasons. The place is untouched by many of the elements of modern life, like a Wi-Fi connection giving a direct link to all the news about the dreadful turns life can take. It is untouched by tourism and the constant influx of influencers' marketing and massive tourism. It is surely not a life without struggle, but how can one measure the quality of life in paradise?

In this picturesque corner of the world, teeming with life, we need to ensure that our IMPHORAA system will not only bring electricity, but also enhance the way of life that the people of Port Silanguin hold dear. Instead of disrupting their harmony with nature, we seek to complement it. IMPHORAA will need to provide essential resources, empower local communities, and offer opportunities for growth without compromising the beauty and serenity of this paradise. The partners hold the weight of responsibility that comes with making things right in the name of sustainable development. The balance between progress and preservation is a delicate one.

Perhaps the best KPIs to measure our impact are not in the kilowatts generated or litres of clean water produced but in smiles and the preservation of what makes this place so unique. Port Silanguin, needs to continue being a paradise and a testament to what can be achieved when innovation is paired with respect for tradition and the environment.


This project is supported by Innovate UKs Energy Catalyst Programme (funding by the Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office through their Transforming Energy Access Programme) and UK aid and was awarded as a “subsidy” under the UK International Obligations for Subsidy Control and delivered under Grant 90935 from Innovate UK